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 Download and Install Office 365 on a Desktop Computer or Laptop (Windows or Mac)


Office 365 is provided free to Faculty and Students of AIBT to install on up to 5 mobile / desktop devices. To install Office 365 on a personal device follow the steps below.

  1. Log into Office 365 using your AIBT username and password by visiting https://portal.office.com

    Note: If you currently have an older version of Microsoft Office installed on your computer, we recommend that you uninstall that version before proceeding with the Office 365 installation, to avoid possible installation problems.

  2. Click on the "Install Office 2016" button, located in the upper right corner.
  3. Launch the Office 365 installation from the downloaded file.

  4. Click "Next at the first screen and accept the default settings at the next several screens.
  5. Click "All Done" in the final installation screen.
  6. You have now installed Office 365 and are ready to get started. Click "Next in the following screen.

  7. When prompted, sign into Office 365 using your AIBT username and password.
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Article ID: 12

Category: Software

Rating (Votes): Article rated 3.6/5.0 (17)

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